How to make 500$ per day with Pinterest — Geek Crunch Reviews

vaghela trupti
6 min readJun 17, 2021

Pinterest is a very powerful social media marketing platform. We are not going to talk about eCommerce marketing or dropshipping. We all are aware of Pinterest (social media platform). This site is like a picture blog. You can share bunches of pictures of things like home. Usually, people share things like home-improvement stuff or infographics.

Pinterest is a very popular social media platform because you can share pretty pictures, 90% of women like those pictures and that’s what it is. We are not going to talk about the promotion of business like eCommerce, dropshipping, consulting or starting an SMM or an ad agency. None of this stuff. Because all of that stuff requires you to do work or fulfillment. You know, have a support phone number or take returns.

You can use the methods that I am going to show you for the promotion of your business but starting an online business requires a business license, business address, and lots of other stuff. I want you to start with easy online earning and it’s called affiliate marketing. It’s a very easy start-up you can start earning with.

You can do affiliate marketing from anywhere in the world, whatever your age is. It is easy. You can use your mobile devices for marketing, no need to have a laptop or PC. Using this particular method which I’m going to go over, you can make up to $500 a day by using Pinterest.

You can refer to a great thread by Megan who is able to make 200$ to 500$ per day with Pinterest.

This method I am going to be talking about here is very different to Megan’s. This is easier and you can make up to $500 per day requires no ads, no software. It requires no expenditure of money. In this method there are no tricks or hacks where you need to place your credit card for some free trial of anything. All it requires you to do is follow along with the steps I’m going to show you right here.

Setup that is required

  • Sign Up for the Affiliate Program of TD Web Services
  • Sign up for a Pinterest Account
  • Warm-up your Pinterest account (repins pins from other boards to your page)

Why TDWS Affiliate Program

  • Life time recurring commission
  • Large product offering (makes it easier to sell)
  • Great quality services, low traction rate thereby exponential growth in commission

“Show me the money — Jerry Maguire”

Now, the first thing to understand about marketing is you have to target people, There’s a lot of people. This is 250 million people on Pinterest. And not everybody is interested in buying a Hosting Service or WordPress Hosting — or starting an online business. Only a small section of those people actually are interested in starting an online business. Anyone who wants to start a business online ideally will need a website. And have the money too.

Actually have a focus just on these people and get rid of everybody else. Now, who are these people? Who are the people that are interested in growing their #smallbusiness or starting a new online business?

You know, hosting services are a very different sell. Even though it is the core of any business it is not given enough thought — because you can’t see the service. You can see a website loading slowly, but if it’s not a technical person they will think it’s WordPress not configured or just that their internet is slow. They rarely conclude that their website is slow because of Hosting.

But you have to think about what your target audience is looking for. The topics or what sort of boards they are interested in there are a couple of different topics, from growth hacking to small business, to WordPress agency, app development, etc.

There’s always a motivation to buy. You need to address that motivation. There’s entrepreneurship. There’s marketing. Making More sales. That kind of gives you a general overview.

There are kinds of big topics indirectly related like Luxury items. You can also focus on these topics because they’re sort of business and entrepreneurship related. Most people with money or business will be able to afford luxury items and they appreciate quality hosting. They want their business to grow.

You will see a lot of people who are online and are making money. They’re interested in income opportunities. The task is very simple — you ‘re going to message these people your affiliate links. Now, this has 2 possibilities:

  1. If the person will get a message on Pinterest. And they’ll see it next time they use Pinterest.
  2. They will see and Get an email from Pinterest saying they have a message. And it will give them your message with your affiliate link in it.

Now, the message you are going to send them is simple — I already have it written up. In your case, you can modify it depending on what niche you’re targeting. It may be different. But if you’re promoting TD Web Services CloudSites, it’s all done for you. I make it easy for my affiliates. Because we’re the ones who make the most money.

Now you are going to send some of the influencers a message who have their websites. This is the message and I’m not going to explain it. But this is called copywriting.

“Hey, I saw you were interested in eCommerce and was wondering if you had any success yet? Did you know with a slow website you can easily lose customers or even Google ranking? Having a cheap Hosting provider is more expensive in the long run than having a high-performance hosting provider? Just by moving my business to TD Web Services hosting (“Your Affiliate Short link”), I have been able to increase my income 3x and they are extremely price competitive.”

Send this message to all the pages that have a strong Pinterest profile with a website.

Based on the interest that you are focusing on you can always change the pitch say replace “Motivational Quotes” to “Startups” or “Growth Hacking or “entrepreneurship”

Pro Tip: A faster way you can use to find people that are on Pinterest. You can go to a page and you can look at who’s following them. Now, to find who’s following a certain page so anybody following them will be interested in the topic that is covered by that page.

How easy is marketing on Pinterest? How ridiculously simple? So, it’s so easy. And once you build up a flow, you can just send links out there so fast. You get in front of people. You have them get messages. They’re probably getting an app notification on their phone if they have Pinterest on their phone. They’re getting an email. And when they log an interest, they’re getting a message from you that’s showing up. So, all of these ways you are reaching out to people. People are going to click on your links. And hopefully, people are going to move their hosting services.

To sign up for TDWS Affiliate Program click on:

Originally published at on June 17, 2021.



vaghela trupti

Deputy Chief of business TDWS and Geek crunch hosting.